
6 Different Types Of Herbal Remedies For Stress

Stress is a psychological problem which can develop due to a financial crisis, over commitment, insecurity of job, health problems etc. Stress causes several health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, erectile dysfunction etc.

You can reduce stress by practicing yoga and meditation. You can also get relief from stress with the help of some herbs. Given below are different types of stress herbal remedies.

6 Best Herbal Remedies For Stress

It strengthens your nerves and allows blood to reach your brain in sufficient quantity. It keeps away lethargy from you and fills you with energy and cures even chronic fatigue. If you want to cope with stressful events such as examinations, this herb would be very useful to you.

Lemon Balm (Melissa Officinalis)

This herb relaxes your nerves and is an excellent remedy for depression, anxiety and stress. Due to its antiviral and antibacterial properties, previously it was used for treating menstrual problems but later on it was found to be very effective in curing brain related disorders such as stress, anxiety and depression.

This herb also improves blood circulation and it gives you a feeling of wellness. It also cures your liver problems. Most women remain stressed due to menopause. This herb is very beneficial in reducing menopause symptoms which eventually reduces stress developed due to menopause.

This herb is good for adults as well as for children. It is very beneficial for pregnant women because it prevents stress and depression due to childbirth.

Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera)


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