Health & Fitness

Do You Know How The Wi-Fi Enabled Devices In Your Home Are Slowly Poisoning You

It has been said that Wi-Fi affects a man’s virility. It influences the development of sperm and causes DNA to fracture. Wi-Fi also decreases the change of unwanted and defective pregnancy.


Electromagnetic radiation exposure greatly increases the chances of tumor formation. Continued exposure could also turn then malignant.


  1. Do not install a remote switch inside your room or kitchen.
  2. Do not keep the cell phone inside your pocket.
  3. Use landline connection whenever possible to minimize the chance of radiation from electromagnetic fields.
  4. Keep the cell phone away from your stomach in case you are pregnant.
  5. Keep the phones away from you when you are in your room.
  6. Use messages to communicate as much as possible and avoid speaking over the phone.
  7. Do not use remote screens for children as they all rely on microwave frequency.
  8. Before retiring for the night, disengage every Wi-Fi gadget that is connected to prevent harm.

There are also several electromagnetic devices to help counter the harmful effects of electromagnetic frequencies. Keep your family and yourself safe in this modern and tech-dependant world of ours. While wi-fi has become a necessity now, from studies to work, try to avoid it whenever possible. When not in use, disconnect and keep the devices away from you to lead a long and healthy life.

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