
Home Remedy To Erase All Aging Signs From Your Face

Who doesn’t want youthful and younger looking skin? We know we all do. Aging is a natural process that catches hold of each one of us eventually, but we ourselves make things worse and speed up the aging process.

Home Remedy To Erase All Aging Signs From Your Face

Unhealthy life style, stress, over dependence on processed and ready to eat foods, caffeine, alcohol and unhealthy habits like smoking, lack of exercise, and pollution all contribute to skin aging and appearance of wrinkles. But home remedies with their healing touch of nature can turn back the clock and slow down the aging process effectively.
Step 1 – Pack:

For this you will need:

A plain toothpaste, do not use any gel based toothpaste (Use plain colgate)

Tomato juice
Vitamin E capsule
Aloe vera gel


First in a clean bowl take half spoon of toothpaste. . In this add half spoon of aloe vera gel, make sure we have to add aloe vera gel and toothpaste in same amount.
Add oil of 1 vitamin E capsule. Add 1 spoon of tomato juice. Mix it very well.
Apply this mixture on affected area with help of clean fingers. Leave it fr 5 minutes and then wash it of with cold water.

Step 2 – Vitamin E oil:



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