
Home Remedy To Erase All Aging Signs From Your Face

Take few drops of vitamin e oil and apply this on your skin. Leave it overnight and wash your face next morning.

Do step 2 every night before going to bed. Do step 1 & 2 both every alternate day for 1 month and you can see visible difference in your skin.
Step 3 – Lime juice, Glycerin & Rose water:


Mix one table spoon of lime juice with one table spoon of Glycerin & one table spoon of rose water.
Mix them well & store it in a glass bottle. Apply every day half an hour before bath or apply at bedtime and wash with cold water in the morning before bath.

Step 4 – Turmeric & Orange/lemon:


Mix ½ tablespoon of turmeric powder with orange juice or Lemon juice (1 tablespoon).
Scrub it gently on your face and allow it to dry for 15 -20 minutes.
Then, wash off gently using cold water.
You can also apply walnut powder with honey & orange or lemon juice to make your face glow instantly.


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