Health & Fitness

How to Prevent Breast Cancer Through An Armpit Detox

Sweating is an important process in your body, and sweat actually contains “things” that help the body combat microorganisms. That’s why you should keep the skin under your arms clean. The lymph nodes located in this area will eliminate the foreign matter.

Try our armpit detox to unclog the pores, and remove toxic buildups.
Armpit detox


  • 3 drops Rosemary essential oil
  • 1 tbsp. organic apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tbsp. bentonite clay
  • 5 drops Cilantro essential oil

First, combine your clay and vinegar, and then stir in the essential oils. You should get a consistency that resembles your favorite sour cream.

Apply a thin layer onto your armpits, and let the detox cream work for a few minutes. Rinse well. Do this every day until the odor disappears, and you no longer feel the itching.
Drink plenty of water to help your body flush out toxins.


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