Health & Fitness

Ladies Need To Stop Doing This Things To Their Intimate Parts

The only way to prevent for bacteria, is to take adequate care of your intimate area. Today the market offers lot of

products that can improve the health on the intimate areas of women and stop odor.


If you want to take proper care of your body, follow these tips:


This is a method that involves sitting in a chair while smoking a bowl of tea from wormwood combined with

other herbs. This Chinese practice actually allows the steam to enter the body, clean the intimate area and the

uterus, and hold the infections away from the body.


Numerous women use gels for the intimate area, products that utilize water and cleaning agents, but, according

to doctors, you should stay away from these gels, as they can cause infection, lead to infertility, and are linked to

numerous health issues. You should only clean the surface of the intimate area. Also, do not forget the rule to


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