
This 6 Easy Home Remedies to Get Rid of Enlarged Pores on Your Face

In addition to tightening pores, this mask will also kill bacteria that causes acne and remove dead skin cells.

Whip up two egg whites until they form stiff peaks. Next, add a couple of drops of lemon juice and carefully stir this in. Lightly smear this mixture onto your face and let it sit for 15 to 20 minutes.

To remove, simply rinse it off with lukewarm water.

4. Lemon Juice & Pineapple Toner
Pineapple contains enzymes that help break down dead skin cells while tightening large pores. Lemon juice will also minimize the size of pores while killing bacteria that causes acne.

Mix two tablespoons of pineapple juice with 3-4 drops of lemon juice. Pour this mixture onto a facial towel and allow the drenched towel to sit on your face for ten minutes.

When you are done, rinse your face with lukewarm water.

5. Lemon Juice & Almond Exfoliator
Almonds are high in antioxidants that encourage the regrowth of healthy skin. They also minimize pores thanks to their smoothing texture.

Lemon juice acts as an astringent that will keep your face feeling clean and refreshed.

Grind a handful of almonds that have been soaked overnight to form a paste. Add one teaspoon of lemon juice and blend.

Allow this mixture to sit on your face for 20 minutes before wiping it off with a wet towel.

6. Cucumber, Lemon & Rosewater Toner
Lemon juice is antibacterial and cucumbers naturally calm down irritated skin. Rosewater improves skin’s texture and tightens pores.

Grate a large cucumber that has been peeled. Add one teaspoon of rosewater and about 4 drops of lemon juice. Pour this mixture onto a facial towel and massage it into your skin.

After about 15 minutes, this mixture will have dried and you can rinse it off with lukewarm water.

If your large pores keep you from achieving beautiful, flawless skin, try out any of these recipes. The size of your pores will decrease dramatically and you will finally have the smooth and even complexion of your dreams.

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