
Top Home Remedies For White Spots On Finger Nails

The citric acid in lemon juice will work effectively to treat all type of fungal infections which results in the cause of white spots on finger nails. Lemon juice also helps in preventing spreading of fungus. Direct application of lemon juice is more effective.

You can also mix little amount of lemon juice with olive oil and massage your nails with this mixture, it will help to get rid of these white spots.
Do it regularly until you see the results you want.

3. Baking Soda

Being an exfoliate it helps to treat any type of skin infections along with white spots on your nails.
Mix half cup of baking soda with half cup of hydrogen peroxide and ½ cup of Epsom salt in 4 cups of hot water. Finally add ½ cup of vinegar in it.

Once the solution is warm enough to touch, then dip your nails in this solution and keep it for few minutes and wrap a cotton cloth to your hand after removing it from solution.
Do it regularly for a week, then you will see changes in your nails.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is rich in anti fungal properties which help you to remove or prevent those white spots completely from your finger nails.

Mix equal amount of water and vinegar in a bowl and keep your hands in this solution for about 10-15 minutes. Once the time is up remove your nails from the solution and let it dry.

Inhibit the habit of cleaning your nails with apple cider vinegar, it benefits you in numerous ways.

5. Onions

Many people aren’t aware that onion has the capability to treat various skin infections both internally and externally. It acts as natural treatment for nail fungus. This is one of the easiest ways to get rid of white spots on your finger nails.

Slice a onion and rub it on the affected areas, regularly. The results may surprise you after a week.

6. Yogurt

Yogurt contains anti fungal properties that help you to remove white spots from your finger tips due to the presence of natural elements called microbes.

Soak your hands in a bowl of yogurt and let it remain for more than 10-15 minutes.

Then wash it off with normal water. Do it regularly for good results.

7. Garlic

Garlic is most effective ingredient among many others, the anti fungal and anti inflammatory properties in garlic will help to prevent white spots on your nails.

Take little amount of garlic paste and apply it on your finger nails. Now cover your nails with a fine cloth, so that garlic works more effectively.

Once the paste is dried remove the cloth and wash it with lukewarm water.

8. Vitamins And Minerals

Vitamins and minerals plays major role in maintaining our overall health. White spots on nails may occur due to vitamin deficiency, so it’s better to have vitamins and mineral rich foods in your regular diet which might help you to keep away from many health issues.

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